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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I Sense A Shift Coming

I never go political here. Ever. Mainly because of my own confusion at this point in time. Not that I'd ever beat anyone over the head with religion politics anyway, but I might mention it. 4 years ago my generally Democrat self thought re-electing Bush was the lesser of the evils. Not necessarily "good" but better than the Kerry alternative that's for sure. So Bush, um, embellished a whole bunch & we are still at war & we are still sitting in a few places that I believe we have NO business occupying aside from the obvious two. I flip flop between wanting a government that will act & preemptively strike when necessary and wanting the US to stop believing that it has a say in every other countries disputes- a hands on say. I believe that when fucked with we need to respond or else we will as a country be repeatedly walked on. 9-11 was hell & I am pretty sure that if we didn't strike back then we would have had a few more bombings here in the last 6 years. I also am pretty damn sure that there's another biggie coming down the pike because it has to be. Simple good vs. evil mentality. A country can only prevent so many terrorist incidents before something slips thru a crack.

Just like 9-11 did.

So. I'm definetly Democrat this time around & I have seriously, seriously flipped between Hil & Obama. I like that she is a she, a mother, that she sat & watched the day to day running of the country while her husband played with cigars & interns was at the helm. I liked some of her ideas , actually many of them when she was First Lady. I often thought SHE should be in "the seat" rather than her husband. And Clinton had it easy. He fucked things up for himself personally but when it came to the US, Reganomics were still trickling down (& that worked, hello!) and it was a time of peace. Anyone that was president after Clinton's run was going to be in deep. The budget was going to crash as would the stock market after 9-11. I cannot ever blame Bush for the countries financial outlook because it would be bleak for anyone in office this decade. Clinton's sending jobs overseas really helped too...

Back to the flipping. I think I've leaned more towards Hil but I've also liked Obama's inexperience. He's not a career politician. He has new ideas & thinks like one of "us"- sort of. Maybe these are good things? Could he make it any worse? I don't know. I also read that since Hil's numbers have dropped like a hooker's panties she may pull out of the race.

I can't see her throwing in the towel. Can you? I don't know that I see her caving in embarassment.

So I'll open the door a crack. What are YOUR thoughts on the election? Who is holding your attention & why?

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I Heart Target

Because they cracked out a PLETHORA of Valentine's Day stuff, including knee sox

Happy Happy.

What else is happening? Oh yes, since several of you guys asked, I didn't have to clock Maya for the cat throwing incident because after B finished bleeding all over the sleeves of her fav High School Musical shirt she totally "brained" her.

Again. Who throws a cat???

Speaking of cats, no kittens yet but poor momma cat is miserable & in obvious pain today. She chose to sleep on the bathroom floor during three kids baths & my shower this morning. It was a water park & the CAT stayed in the room. Any hour now I'd say.

I had stuff to write about & as usual now that I'm here I totally forget most of it. I nixxed the kids V-Day party because it's going to creep up on me way to fast & there's a lot of other stuff coming mid-late January. Two birthday parties & Princesses On Ice all fall within a three day time frame for starters! So I'm thinking a sleepover of some sort, something small for Heart Day.

You all know I LURVE winter right? But i have to admit that I'm secretly wanting it to warm up. I want flip flop weather ok and since Mother Nature is indeed still a junkie we are like, thisclose to contemplating flip flops if this is at all accurate:

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Saturday, January 5, 2008


Apparently I need to state something that one would think is common sense. Do not, under ANY circumstances THROW A CAT at your 4 year old sister. Picking up a sleeping cat & shotputing him across the room until he collides with another childs face equals this:

Nothing quite like trying to put a Barbie Band Aid on your daughters eyelid before sending her to preschool.


Who throws a cat??

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back To Reality!

And the reality of everyday life has hit hard, by way of the cold. Holy hell it is freezing. Yesterday, I walked out the door to go somewhere 3 times & each time it was noticably colder. By 3pm the windchill was barely above zero. Where are we at today?

And thats actually high balling it. The windchill locally is actually 10 BELOW zero. Kids were running on a 90 minute school delay BEFORE 6am this morning.

But wait, didja notice how much CRACK the weather pixie is smoking? Look at next week:

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